Just picked up the New Lily Allen CD from the library, from what I've heard already, the album rocks. Don't know about her though, she had the potential to be a real diva and already exudes bitchiness.
Also listening to recently is Pink 'I'm not Dead', Will Youngs 'Keep On', the Guilmots, Justin Timberlake and James Morrison - all worthy of having a listen.
Miss u stax
I love her new LDN single. She is a bit cheeky though, I think she was asked what she would do if her song went to #1, and she said, 'Gak'. Cheeky monkey.
Whats that James Morrison like?
kamlan what is up with all this lily allen sh**! Keep it gangsta daaawg keep it gangstaaa! :) Well, it's nesan in case you didn't know...and oh, I'll be doin the london thing either in april or june next year...mail me (nesanp@wocm.com)
kamlan what is up with all this lily allen sh**! Keep it gangsta daaawg keep it gangstaaa! :) Well, it's nesan in case you didn't know...and oh, I'll be doin the london thing either in april or june next year...mail me (nesanp@wocm.com)
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